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Miss Gammack's Shop

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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
Barbara Hepworth unit of work x6 lessons

Barbara Hepworth unit of work x6 lessons

This includes six sessions, lessons 2-6 will need clay and tools lesson 1 - introduction to Barbara Hepworth - key facts- birth/death/born what type of artist she is. Key quote from her for the children to learn. examples of some of her sculptures. task is to produce a piece of abstract art on how they are feeling. key words- sculpture and sculptor. Lesson 2 - recaps key facts and what they can remember from the previous week, video on what clay is. task is to mould the clay in different ways - there are pics for the children to follow. Lesson 3 - recaps key facts and what they can remember from the previous week. Looks at two key sculptures - monolith - empyrean and sphere with inner form - discussion of the shapes the sculpture shows. Looks at the tools used for clay and what they are used for. task - children to experiment with the tools and how to cut the clay. Lesson 4 - recaps key facts and what they can remember from the previous week. Looks at another two sculptures - figure for landscape and rock form. quick recap of tools and a video of how they can use the tools and things around the classroom to create textures and patterns on the clay. task - children use tools to create textures and patterns on their piece of clay. Lesson 5 - recaps key facts and what they can remember from the previous week. score a slip technique - uses video to show the children. task - children use this technique to stick two pieces of clay together. Lesson 6 - Recap of everything that they have learnt in the previous weeks. They are going to then create their own Barbara Hepworth sculpture and use the techniques they have learnt over the term. These will be available as individual lessons as well if needed
Georges Seurat unit of work

Georges Seurat unit of work

This is a 6 week block of work on Georges Seurat. I used this in year 2 but can be adapted to suit your school. There are 6 power points and i will briefly explain what is in each one lesson 1 - introduction to pointillism and George Seruat - key facts about him (birth/death/ famous for) Introduces the pointillism technique and what it is. Includes the painting la tour Eiffel as a reference task - experimenting making marks using different brushes/ cotton buds and our little fingers Lesson 2 - The colour wheel recap of facts includes painting of bathers at Asnieres and some info about it. explains the colour wheel - primary and secondary colours task - colour wheel sheet - mixing the colours to create the secondary colours Lesson 3 - tints and tones recap of facts explains what a tone is and how we create it Explains what a tint is and how we create it task - children to have a go at creating tints and tones Lesson 4 - colour mixing recap of facts includes the painting- the channel of Gravelines with some info about it looks at how we can use colour mixing to create different tertiary colours How powder paints cvan be thik or thin depnding on th amount of water you put in task - children have some colours and they have to try and get as close to the colour as they can from mixing Lesson 5 - shades using pastels recap of facts includes the painting - sunday on the island of la grande jatte and some info about it How the shadows in the painting are the same colour just different shades looking at the colour wheel and how this can be light or dark in contrast How to create a shade of colour how the pressure you put on a pastel can create a light or dark effect Lesson 6 - creating own masterpiece recap of key facts Look back at the paintings we have covered task - children to choose a painting to recreate using pointillism
Introduction to Barbara Hepworth

Introduction to Barbara Hepworth

This powerpoint looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth This include - when she was born and died, where she was born, what type of artist she was and a key quote for the children to learn. It looks at the key vocab- sculpture and sculptor Has examples of some of her work task - draw something abstract from what i am feeling and talk about it.
African art - Textiles -  Kente

African art - Textiles - Kente

African art - textiles Kente (interwoven strips with geometric patterning) Explains what Kente is and what each of the colours mean and what it represents. Link to a you tube video to watch first. Then there are screen shots of the video and step by step instructions in order to create their own version of kente by weaving strips of coloured paper and then wool with a thick needle. The children have to consider what colours they are going to use and what shapes to add to the piece. This could possibly be two lessons depending on how quick the children complete the activity.
Ancient Egyptian painting (Gods)

Ancient Egyptian painting (Gods)

Discusses the types of paintings found at that time and where they were - in tombs and papyrus was used Gives a background about this. Goes into how the paintings had a profile and frontal view - has examples. Includes list of colours used and why they were used (what they represented) Looks at the symbols some of the gods, then has a variety of gods for the children to choose from for their drawings and the hieroglypihcs which need to be present in the picture Has an example of how to set out their sketch books as a practise of skills before they complete their painting. This would take either two lessons or one longer art session with the sketch book completed first and then their own picture created after either on brown paper or have another lesson creating their own papyrus to paint on.
Barbara Hepworth - moulding techniques

Barbara Hepworth - moulding techniques

Please check out my shop as this follows on from the introduction to Barbara Hepworth During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was. Includes what a sculptor does. Quote for the children to remember There is a video of what clay is Then the children will need clay and they are going to practise moulding the clay - rolling, smoothing, pulling, pinching, squeezing.
Walter Gropius - Bauhaus

Walter Gropius - Bauhaus

This is a powerpoint on the Bauhaus. We were concentrating on architecture and looking at the simpleness of this building. We linked this to 3D shapes and nets of cubes and cuboids. The children are then asked to create cuboids and make their own building as part of the lesson. links to art and maths.
African masks

African masks

Powerpoint includes three lessons - sketch books - looking at different styles of masks and the patterns that are included within them. Children to practise their patterns and what they weant to include on their masks. I also got the children to practise mixing colours in this lesson aswell ready for the decorating session. make the mask - gores through step by step each process - photos included decorate the mask - shows different ideas for the children to use and decorate their masks I completed this over four sessions due to waiting for the glue to dry and then the paint before we could decorate. Children really enjoyed this activity
studying Georgia OKeeffe's work

studying Georgia OKeeffe's work

This is one lesson looking at key paintings that she has created throughout her career. The powerpoint starts with a key vocab slide followed by some important key facts about her life. The paintings that the powerpoint concentrates on is Oriental Poppies (1928) Ram’s head white hollydock and little hills (1935) Jimson weed white flower no 1 (1932) Summer days (1936) Red Canna (1924) Black Iris iii (1926) Each painting has a description of what is in the painting and the colours that she has used to create an effect. The work at the end is for the art sketch books. They have to stick in the pictures and label what they can see and label the artwork
Piet Mondrian x 6 lessons

Piet Mondrian x 6 lessons

This is a full unit on Piet Mondrian It looks at his different pieces and evaluates them. Then it asks to look at the different colours and lines he created in his abstract pieces. Children will recreate his different pieces each week.
Barbara Hepworth   - score and slip

Barbara Hepworth - score and slip

please check out my shop as this follows on from the texture lesson. During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was. Recaps the tools and how these can create textures and patterns. It then has a chance to reflect on what they have done in the previous session with the textures video of how to complete score and slip task - children to practise the score and slip technique
Barbara Hepworth  - textures

Barbara Hepworth - textures

Please check out my shop as this lesson leads on from the cutting lesson. During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was. Include a quote for the children to remember. It recaps the previous sculptures that have been looked at and this week introduces - figure for landscape and rock form Has a recap of the tools that can be used for clay. Video of how to create textures and patterns on the clay task- children to create textures and patterns on their piece of clay using the tools provided and things they can find in the classroom.
Barbara Hepworth - tools for clay

Barbara Hepworth - tools for clay

Please check out my shop as this lesson follows on from the moulding clay lesson. This revisits the key facts - birth/ death, where she was born, what type of artist she was, what a sculpture is and a key quote for the children to learn. this looks at two key sculptures and a discussion is needed of each one - monolith - empyrean and sphere with inner form The tools are then looked at and what they are used for. Children then experiment cutting clay with the tools.
Barbara Hepworth - final piece

Barbara Hepworth - final piece

Please check out my shop as this follows on from the score and slip lesson During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was. This lesson brings everything together that they have learnt over the course of the term. It reminds them of all the techniques they have used and how they are going to create their own sculpture based on Barbara Hepworth. Children are shown the four sculptures (monolith - empyrean, sphere with inner form, figure for landscape and rock form) that have been looked at in previous weeks and the children will produce their own using this as a guide. children to use the skills they have learnt over the term to create their own sculpture
Tingatinga paintings

Tingatinga paintings

This powerpoint explains the style of Tingatinga and then includes and activity where they use the style of Tingtinga to create their own paintings in his style.
Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

Has an explanation as to why sculptures were used in Egyptian times and has more detail on the famous sculptures Sphinx mask of Tutankhamun Ushabti figures Ka statue Then I would have a sketch book lesson - template is included as to how the children need to set it out. Within this they would choose which sculpture they want to create Overall outcome - the children use clay to create their own sculpture based on one of the famous sculptures